Mystery Perfume Bottle


With the kind permission of fellow WordPresser, Jenquest Photography I offer the above photograph for your visual delight and also in the hope that Arabic readers of The Fragrant Man can tell us more about the bottle.

Is the script the name of a perfume, an attar artisan or a bottle designer or even the name of the person to whom the bottle belongs?

The Fragrant Man would be willing to part with some Kampot Peppercorns for the best subjectively chosen answer.

Further Reading
Photographs of Arabia and Turkey by Jenquest Photography

2 responses to “Mystery Perfume Bottle

  1. Pingback: The Arabian Series | The Fragrant Man·

  2. Thank you Saeed Al Khaili (via Twitter) for the interpretation: The word is pronounced “alanood” which means the hard to convince/unbeatable or excelled in a contest person and it is the name of a woman.

    Saeed you will receive the gift of fragrant Kampot Peppercorns.

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